Great set of links which would be useful in managing windows systems with ease: Enhance PowerShell with the PSReadLine Module (TechGenix) Find Inactive User Accounts In Your Domain (Command Line Ninja) Use PowerShell to determine the Windows version on DVD, ISO, or USB installation media (Mike F. Robbins) Using PowerShell Behind a Proxy Server (Windows […]
Hack for Hire/Cyber Attack Mercenary Group
Void Balaur is a highly active hack-for-hire / cyber mercenary group with a wide range of known target types across the globe. Their services have been observed for sale to the public online since at least 2016. The hack-for-hire service offering linked to Void Balaur has been advertised through various brand names. The services they […]
Fake Mobile Banking Rewards Apps
Rewards Plus: Fake Mobile Banking Rewards Apps Lure Users to Install Info-Stealing RAT on Android Devices A fake mobile banking rewards app delivered through a link in an SMS campaign has been making the rounds, targeting customers of Indian banking institutions. Users who install the mobile app are unknowingly installing an Android malware with remote […]
Malicious OAuth Applications Used to Compromise Email Servers
Microsoft researchers recently investigated an attack where malicious OAuth applications were deployed on compromised cloud tenants and then used to control Exchange servers and spread spam. The investigation revealed that the threat actor launched credential stuffing attacks against high-risk accounts that didn’t have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled and leveraged the unsecured administrator accounts to gain […]
Pay Per Install Malware Service
Pay-Per-Install (PPI) is a malware service widely used in the cybercrime ecosystem that monetizes the installation of malicious software. SEKOIA observed that PrivateLoader is one of the most widely used loaders in 2022. It is used by a PPI service to deploy multiple malicious payloads on the infected hosts. The threat actor ruzki (aka les0k, […]
Evolution of Chrome Malware
ChromeLoader proves to be an extremely prevalent and persistent malware. It initially drops as an .iso and can be used to leak users’ browser credentials, harvest recent online activity and hijack the browser searches to display ads. The VMware Carbon Black Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team observed the first Windows variants of ChromeLoader in […]
Difference between VMware and Docker
VMware and Docker are two virtualization solutions commonly used in IT and software development. VMware deals with virtual machines, while Docker deals with containers. Since v/irtual machines and containers are both virtualization technologies, beginners in the space often want to know how they compare with one another. In this article, you’ll learn the similarities and differences between VMware vs Docker. […]
What is Cyber Threat Hunting
Focusing all your attention on securing your network perimeter without considering possible threats present has disastrous consequences. Your business can lose revenue, intellectual property that protects it from the competition, and brand appeal due to a damaged reputation. To help stop the threats from sneaking up on your network, you need to implement cyber threat hunting in […]
Incident Management Guide
IT-dependent organizations often encounter unexpected incidents that cause disruptions in their service delivery. Your website crashes, or the office printer breaks down, interrupting normal operations. You must respond to incidents swiftly to minimize financial and reputational loss. This is where incident management comes in. It helps you give your customers and team members the solution they need […]
Maximise Business Outcomes and Performance with IT Metrics
Top IT Metrics to Maximize Business Outcomes and Performance In today’s IT environment, measuring work and performance is important. Knowing where your business needs to improve will help you identify how to grow your business. Unfortunately, it’s easy to lose sight of what you must measure. The diversity of IT opens up many ways to measure performance. As a […]
News Feed Pushes Tech Support Scams
Malvertising on News Feed Pushes Tech Support Scams Malwarebytes uncovered a malvertising campaign on the Microsoft Edge home page where malicious ads are luring victims into tech support scams. The scheme is simple and relies on threat actors inserting their advertisements on the Edge home page and trying to lure users with shocking or bizarre […]
Malware spreads through YouTube Ads
RedLine Spreads Through Ads for Cheats and Cracks on YouTube A malicious bundle containing the RedLine stealer and a miner is being distributed on YouTube through cheats and cracks ads for popular games. RedLine is currently one of the most common Trojans used to steal passwords and credentials from browsers, FTP clients and desktop messengers. […]
Dear or Alive ? An Emotet Story
Dead or Alive? An Emotet Story Emotet, while perviously takendown by Interpol and Eurojust efforts, has seen a resurgence since November 2021. In May of this year, DFIR witnessed an intrusion that started from a phishing email which included Emotet. The intrusion lasted four days and contained many of the usual suspects, including the Cobalt […]
EvilProxy Phishing with MFA bypass found in Dark Web
EvilProxy Phishing-As-A-Service With MFA Bypass Emerged In Dark Web Following the recent Twilio hack leading to the leakage of 2FA (OTP) codes, cybercriminals continue to upgrade their attack arsenal to orchestrate advanced phishing campaigns targeting users worldwide. Resecurity has recently identified a new Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) called EvilProxy advertised in the Dark Web. On some sources […]
Data Discovery and its Benefits
Data enables organizations to make informed decisions and better understand customer and business needs. It also allows organizations to solve business problems for operational excellence, risk management, and growth. However, for companies to leverage data, they need to visualize, analyze, and derive insights from it. Data discovery can help with that. In this article, you’ll see what data discovery is and go […]
Detailed Comparison of EDR, MDR, XDR
The cybersecurity industry inherited one main truth from the security industry: those who wish to defend everything end up defending nothing. As a result, companies must choose between Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Managed Detection and Response (MDR), and Extended Detection and Response (XDR). These solutions protect your crucial assets without overextending, overcomplicating, or overpaying. EDR, MDR, and […]
How to Select Best VPN
Protect you identity and data with a VPN! Everyone wants privacy, both in the physical and digital world. Unfortunately, others can easily notice the things you do online, like your employer, companies that collect and use your data, and sometimes even governments. If you want to stay anonymous and enjoy high privacy levels online, invest in a Virtual Private Network (VPN). […]
What is Vulnerability Assessment?
Do you know what your company’s IT weaknesses are? If you answered no, then you need to conduct a vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessments help you evaluate systems and networks for potential vulnerabilities cybercriminals can use as an attack surface. Discovering your vulnerabilities will enable you to better defend your IT infrastructure. You can perform these assessments using a variety […]
Windows Server News
An update on the happening in Window Server platform, please click on the links for respective Articles: Microsoft Finalizes Plans to Fix Unfair Licensing in EU SMB compress behavior & settings changes NIC Certification updates in the Windows Server Catalog Microsoft adds virtual cores to Windows Server licensing
Are Deepfakes a tool for CyberAttacks
A new report from VMware shows that cybersecurity professionals are seeing more deepfakes being used in cyber attacks. The report indicated a 13% jump in attack using Face and Voice altering technology. “Deepfakes in cyberattacks aren’t coming,” Rick McElroy, principal cybersecurity strategist at VMware, said in a statement. “They’re already here.” What are Deepfakes Deepfakes […]